Rob and Angie Pyle
Rob and Angie Pyle are the proud parents of Andrew.  This is a quick homepage until we have more time to play here
EED Golf League Homepage

Rob's hobbies include, Golf, Homebrewing, Darts, sports (both participative and as a spectator)
Angie is into Rowing, Genealogy and finishing her MBA
Andrew is a wonderful two and a half year old who's hobbies are Blues CLues, Toy Story and running wildly about the house.
Bob Kupbens is about the only friend that I know of with a website.  Please visit it and see Bob and Jo's website about their son, Foster
Rob:  Mom, Dad, Sister
Angie, Mom, Dad, Sisters (3)
and Some pictures of Andrew
K. Roger Pyle's Homepage
Andrew with Santa - 1999
Andrew Thanksgiving 1999
Foster's Website