Knights of Columbus
Council 9768
  Albers/Damiansville Illinois
Monthly Meetings: Second Thursday of every month.
The meetings are held at the Jaycee building in Albers..
Christopher Columbus Fr. McGivney
Membership: Our council is always interested in quality Catholic men to wanting join our ranks to help serve God and His Church through this wonderful organization.  See any member if you have questions about becoming a brother.
Insurance Agent: The council's insurance agent is Charles Papp from Granite City.  He will be taking care of our insurance needs.  Charles will be contacting non-insured brothers in the upcoming weeks. Contact the Grand Knight for more details or how to contact Charles..
Fr. McGivney Guild: The Knights of Columbus has established The Fr. McGivney Guild to promote the cause for canonization of our founder. Membership is FREE and open to everyone.
Click here for more information
4th Degree: Any third degree member interested in becoming a Sir Knight can contact Jim Norrenberns, Sr for more details.
Listen to Great Catholic programming on AM 1080 WRYT                  ( just left of KMOX on your radio dial)
$400: Steve Toennies              Free Ticket: Get Strieker
Dave Wuebbels              Membership: Albin Toennies(not present)
$50: Cole Schomaker             50/50: Jerome Rakers
                              2007-2008 OFFICERS
Grand Knight: Marvin Wuebbels              Warden: Ed Jansen
Deputy Grand Knight
: Tim Spihlmann    Inside Guard: Jim Koch
Financial Secretary
: John Wieter             Outside Guard: Ed Jansen
: Robby Robertson                    Trustee (3rd Year) Ed Wuebbels
: Len Ripperda                           Trustee (2nd Year)Bill Warzala
: Jim Norrenberns, Sr                Trustee (1st Year) David Wuebbels
                                 District Deputy:
Dale Gall
Links to other places of interest
Supreme Council
Illinois State Council Other K of C Councils EWTN
Click for more info about council 9768
Visitors since 1/1/2001