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... davegolfs ...
Working (or playing) at computer   ;-)
Peoria, Illinois
Additional Photos Here Welcome....!!
DWPCM    Mid 50s   5'10"   165#    Brn/Brn    Athletic/Trim   Very short beard (Update: No beard !)

Divorced for twelve years and just ending a several year relationship, I am seeking a partner to happily travel the rest of this life's journey.  I consider myself honest, loyal, kind and trustworthy and have been referred to as handsome, witty and charming <blush>.  I'm anxious to give my all to a partner who is willing to do the same.  An old fashioned romantic, I love to hold hands, cuddle and snuggle.  I enjoy travel and most forms of outside entertainment but most of all love the simple things in life.  Simple pleasures like eating popcorn and watching videos curled up on the couch or bed together.  Talking,  laughing and gazing at the stars from a swing on a warm summer evening.  Cooking and shopping together; enjoying  music, walks and bike rides;  several hugs and "I love you, honey's" per day.  The fundamental exchange of kindness, consideration, dependability and acceptance.  A safe and happy environment where love is given generously and unconditionally.  Being there for each other to share in lifes happy times and also to provide comfort during times of difficulty.  And, oh yes, lathering each other up in the shower and forgetting to towel   ;-)

Yes I love golf, lol, have done some teaching and play to a two hdcp.  But I also love to downhill ski, bike, hike, and enjoy lawn and gardening.  Most any outdoor activity or sporting event.  I enjoy travel, cooking, music and attending church.  My religious beliefs are strong but I practice them in a personal and private way, hopefully measured only by my actions and conduct. 

I am self employed and spend most of my time, at work, at my computer.  I have little time available for the 'social side' of the internet but do cross the line from time to time, lol.  My secretary and best friend, Tasha, does her best to keep me on the straight and narrow.  She is an adorable seven year old two and one half pound Yorkie with a heart and personality the size of a St. Bernard's.  Now if I can just find a special lady who can be as loving and devoted as Tasha is.... lol.  I will happily return those qualities in full and equal measure.

My children are grown and successfully out on their own so I now seek a happy and attractive partner who is capable of returning all the love and affection that I feel I am capable of giving.  A person who allows their partner a different opinion and respects their independence and boundaries asking only for the same in return.  Someone who places their relationship as a high priority in their life and will continue to nurture both the emotional and physical aspects of it.  One who still enjoys the thrill of the physical chemistry shared by a loving couple.  But most of all, someone who truly understands and is capable of applying the Golden Rule to our love and our lives.  "Do unto others............".

Thank you for visiting.
Spring 2004 
We are each of us angels with only one wing.  And we can only fly embracing each other.
... Luciano De Crescenzo ...
... Worthy of Consideration ...
Love begins when the needs of the other person become as important as your own.
Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but rather, the realization of what you already have.
Often, the one thing more dangerous than taking a risk is not taking it.  Follow your bliss.
If you cannot say something good about someone or something, say nothing at all.
We judge ourselves by our intentions .... others judge us by our actions.
You will catch more bears with honey than you will with a club.
The pathway to hell is paved with good intentions.
<  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  >
... A short course in human relations ...
The six most important words:  "I admit I made a mistake."
The five most important words:
" You did a good job."
The four most important words: 
" What is your opinion."
The three most important words: 
" If you please."
The two most important words: 
" Thank you."
The one most important word:
" We."
The least important word: 
" I."
... In memory of Payne Stewart ...
And to pass along perhaps his greatest legacy .... his bracelet ..... simply inscribed with: 
(What Would Jesus Do)
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Golf: The most fun you can have with your clothes on.
Golf is like Sex: You don't have to be good at it to enjoy it.
Yahoo Messenger: davegolfs1       ICQ: 43941148       AOL AIM: davegolfs2
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Click to e-mail davegolfs
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