Have you ever wanted to buy a solar oven, but never knew the right reasons to buy one?
Here are three things the Deluxe Super Solar Cooker © will do for you, and the environment:
- Uses No Fuel!
- Retains more nutrients!
- Helps Our Global Community!
Solar cooking is both educational and fun. That's why we have invented the Deluxe Super Solar Cooker©. The Deluxe Super Solar
Cooker© works by using the greenhouse effect to trap energy. You have experienced the greenhouse effect hundreds
of times when you've opened a car door only to find the interior warm on a cold day, or find it extremely hot on a warm
One of the only reasons that most people don't use solar ovens, is because they take too much time to cook your food.
Well, that has all changed now with the Deluxe Super Solar Cooker©. We have reduced cooking time by fifty percent!
Most solar ovens take between 2-4 hours to cook. Not so with the Deluxe Super Solar Cooker©. You can cook your food
in 1 hour! The reason for the faster cooking time, is that we have discovered a way to speed up cooking time without
sacrificing the vitamins, minerals, taste, coloring, or food texture of the food. The Deluxe Super Solar Cooker© cooks between
225° - 275° F.
The Deluxe Super Solar Cooker© will cook most anything you would put in your oven at home. The Deluxe Super Solar Cooker©
allows you to run errands while you are cooking food, because we have installed a special coating that insures you that
it won't catch on fire. We also include our Money Back Guarranty, that insures you that your food will never overcook or
burn. You can take the Deluxe Super Solar Cooker© to the beach or camping, or anywhere else you wish to take it.
The Deluxe Super Solar Cooker© can be yours for the cheap price of $350.00! That is an unbelievable offer! To order a Deluxe
Solar Cooker©, please click on the link at the bottom of this page.
For all you kids out there, we have put together a procedure for the Super Solar Cooker© to keep you busy during those long, hot summer days. We recommend you have
adult supervision or approval from an adult.(Not intended for children under 11)
- Materials
- Large piece of cardboard
- Glue stick
- Hot glue gun
- Aluminum foil
- Black Paper or another dark color
- Box cutter
- Procedure
- Gather all of your materials.
- Cut 5, 10" x 10" squares out of the cardboard for the sides and the bottom of the box.
- Make a line 3" up from the bottom of each side. Glue all of the sides together.
- Make a line 4" in from 2 sides of the bottom. Glue the bootom piece on, on the lines on the
sides of the box.
- Cut 2, 10" x 8.5" pieces of cardboard. Glue them to the lines on the bottom piece and to the
top of the sides.
- Take a piece of foil and glue it to the inner sides and to the bottom.
- Cut 4 pieces of black paper 10" x 10" and glue them to the outer sides.
- Make sure you clean up all of your supplies.
- Test you solar oven.
- Take the temperature every two minutes for forty minutes.
- Record your data.
- CAUTION!!! Your solar oven may get extremely hot! Use caution when handling your
solar oven.
Your Super Solar Cooker© should look like this:( Please come back in the near future when we plan to have more pictures)

Please do not take this page very seriously. All of the facts that are stated above are
TRUE, but the sole purpose
of this page was for a Physical Science exam. We are not responsible for any damage that the solar cooker listed above causes.
Solar Cookers of America© is based in Milwaukee, WI. Please do not reproduce any of these images without our consent. If you
would like an image, please contact us through e-mail, and we will gladly grant you permission. All rights reserved to Dave and Adam.
Violators will be prosecuted.