Golf Books and Golf Guides Store
Purchase these golf books and golf guides on line today! Just click on the cover of the book for price information, reviews, description, and ordering information.
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California Golf : Complete Guide to Every Course in the Golden State (8th Ed) Synopsis
Covering more than 800 courses in the Golden State, this new edition includes listings for hotels and restaurants near the courses as well as discount offers and golf packages that provide hundreds of dollars in savings on golf goods and services. of color photos. 35 maps.
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Harvey Penick's Little Red Book : Lessons and Teachings from a Lifetime in Golf/CassetteWonderful a must read!
I was told this was a phenomenal book, but had always approached golf instructional books with the attitude "I need to see a picture of the perfect swing" before I would consider it. After listening to Harvey Penicks The Little Red Book, I now understand, his words are worth a thousand pictures. I have listened to the audio several times and each time I picked up something new. Quite possibly it's the best book I've ever heard. Matthew Sedlacek --This text refers to the audio cassette edition of this title
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Golf on the Web (On the Web Series)
If youre one of the millions of avid golfers who call the links home, weve got links of a different kind in store for you. Golf on the Web is a dream guide to the very best golf home pages around. Authors John Barton and Hunki Yun have combed cyberspace to bring you this comprehensive listing of the top 500 golf sites. Thanks to their efforts, you wont have to waste time conducting exhaustive Web searches to find the information you want. Now its as simple as thumbing through this handy, easy-to-use reference and pointing your browser to the right URL.
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Golfing in Northern California - Course Guide for Golf Courses with Web Sites - 2001 by John Reising
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