jake bader - 04/05/00 22:57:39
My Email:badersville@hotmail.com
It's Me again....you know...KM II - 03/14/00 01:23:17
My Email:The same one
What is the capital of Burkina Faso?: The same one
Did you know that Ouagadougou is the largest city of that Burkina place and it used to be Upper Volta there but then they changed the name and now it isn't any more. Do you want to come over and play Ms. Pac Man on my playstation, you can but mom says yo
can't stay for dinner cause we don't have enough I have to go do my homework now and feed my dog, bye!
Kyle Man II - 03/14/00 01:03:26
My Email:goonboy2k@hotmail.com
What is the capital of Burkina Faso?: Ouagadougou
What's the name of that boat in your picture thingie with your name on it? How come fish can't walk? I saw a three legged goat one time. Why is grass green? Amos Murray has six toes. That's a funny name for a capital. How come you don't have nice so
gs here like that goonboy guy? I can play baa baa black sheep on the piano.Can I come over to your house some time? Can I bring my dog? Well, can I? Huh? What's the names of those birds in your picture thingies at Dell Talk? My dog's name is Duodenu
. My neighbors have a cat named Stinky, and he is, too. Can I come over to your house and see your birds sometime? How come my power button is round instead of square? How come my belly button's square instead of round? My mom said if I play with it
'll let all my air out and fly around the room. Do you know how to fly? I was in an airplane once but the pilot guy made me get off because I kept asking so many questions...do you know any pilot guys? How come my computer doesn't play Ms. Pac Man I ha
e that on my Playstation.
Nancy B - 01/06/00 07:30:54
My Email:tisket2@hotmail.com
What is the capital of Burkina Faso?: Huh????
It's pretty cool, Denny. Don't know why I couldn't get it the first time. You're a cool dude, too. See ya.
Mark Adelman - 01/05/00 16:54:06
My URL:http://pages.cthome.net/madelman
My Email:madelman@snetnet
What is the capital of Burkina Faso?: who knows
(short and sweet)
DA Bird - 09/28/99 07:36:41
My Email:emory@cnw.com
What is the capital of Burkina Faso?: Ask Denny
See - I still look now and then. Now that you use
Outlook Express your fonts are small. Fix'em bra
Kevin McAdam - 07/03/99 07:34:53
My URL:http://pages.cthome.net/ktms/ktmhome.html
My Email:kmcadams@snet.net
What is the capital of Burkina Faso?: Cheezenburger ?
Hey Denny? Where is everybody?This certainly is a lonely place.A little more lively than my place though.Cheers!
Darrell Krumwied - 07/01/99 10:09:11
My URL:http:///SiliconValley/Hills/5220/
My Email:dbk4297@geocities.com
What is the capital of Burkina Faso?: Ouagadougou
My guestbook has only my own signature too! Wait... No it doesn't. Queer.
Denny Denham - 06/22/99 09:14:29
I've redone the thing so the photos all show up. Hope you folks enjoyed it.