


A/B Match
5 Ponds

My compliments to the staff at Warminster's Five Ponds for their courtesy and professionalism during our outing at their facility.  It had been a while since the last time that our league had been to this course, but judging by the great time that everyone had here (despite the heat), I'm sure this place will be high on our list of courses to shoot at next year.  If there are any golfers out there who live in the Philadelphia area and have not played this fine, challenging course, you really don' t know what you're missing.

Bob Fitzpatrick, a 
sandbagger in the making
A standby player....
A BIG standby player
Kills the ball
off the tee
Another standby shooter
Anybody catch his name?
Doug on the 1st tee
driving well again
Max is about to take the 
scenic route to the 1st hole
Mike Brychcy at impact Roman blasting a drive When they go that far, it's 
hard to see where they land.
Roy Craig on his way to take
over 1st place in the "A"
Steve splits the fairway, 
and the days points
Tom going low and long
The course had a few
Like these Sikorsky 
choppers watching the golfers
And these bi-planes
flying low
Some Boeing boys 
having fun
Herman trying to stay out of 
the long stuff
Dick looking pensive
after the match
Dick's weight shift will be 
the topic of his next lesson
Kevin finds out that the 
rough is rough
Kevin's gloating about taking all
three from Herman
Herman thinks he's gloating a
little too much.
Mike will settle for the one point
he earned today.