I will be updating this soon!!

Meet my New Grandson-William

I have been a reg chatter of LHotel Chat for the past year
logging on for many hours a day, making many friends
and being a friend to many. I now am a monitor for the
hotel with my main room being the piano...
Some of the greatest people in the world are frequent
users in that room..

My chat name in the room has always been

That name was chosen I guess mostly because my
daughter used to call me that and I liked the sound of it....
Many people have asked me why I would want to be a
monitor for the hotel and take the abuse that I have to take
sometimes in the rooms.....
Well.....The reason I subject myself to the ignorance
and childish manners of some is because there is so
many there that are great friends in there and I feel
they deserve to have a good clean room to be able
to chat in and make friends as well....

I recently received a few Award for my website *S*
Thank You Jacs for it!!!

This Award is for Glimmer and I, for all the Love we put into this site

I would like to invite you to view the different pages of my home page and please remember to sign my guest book.

signviewre1x1.jpg signviewre1x2.jpg signviewre1x3.jpg

Updates are coming soon!!

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Updated on March 9th,2005