Brian's Place

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   New Faces and Places        England Trip


Then & Now

I had removed this picture, then changed my mind because it's framed so nice. My Grandpa took this of my Sister and me on Easter morning. My Mom always bought us a new sweater, or pair of shoes, etc. for Easter. I was more interested in the Easter candy at that point......, now I'd take the shoes!
With my Sister(nice scarf!)on an trip to Mount Baker. My Grandparents always took us somewhere each summer. I am probably famished in this shot, even stooping to eat a tuna fish sandwich. This year, 1999, Mount Baker registered the greatest depth of snow in the entire World. !!
I'm out at my Grandparents place in Woodinville. I always spent a couple of weeks each summer out in the country. My BB Gun was a real joy to me. Here I am shooting at an antique dinner bell (out of view) that hung from the back door of the house. I'm about 12 years old here. My fun ended when I killed a bird that was singing on a stump. I was wracked with guilt and felt real bad about it for a few days.
My Grandpa relaxing in his yard. He owned about 3 acres out in what is now an "upscale" area. When this picture was taken, it was "the country", and the people were nice and unpretentious. There were Grange meetings, and women canned fruit, and hung the wash outside to air dry. Such nice times! This is the way I most remember my Grandpa.
My dad built a deck off the back of our house in Seattle. He was a terrific builder. The underpinnings of this deck were so solid and heavy (and overdone, really), that you could have built a house on them.
On a date at Rob and Linda's apartment...about 1970.
Me and my cousin Gary Pennington. He spent a lot of time at my house in the late 1950's. This, because my Aunt got job and dropped Gary off at my house for my Mom to supervise. It's lunchtime here. Ah, let's see - - it's peanut butter sandwiches and Bean with bacon soup.


Now & Then

Dressed for a meeting of Freemasons. This fraternity is a life's work and study -- It's a craft to which the initiated are but students.
I have re-written this blurb because my first rendering sounded too vain. Am I vain? NO!! My new one will say that this is a nice recent picture of me taken on a highway through the mighty Cascade Mountain range! The altitude has caused my hair to turn pretty white, and it also makes me grimace. I will be better once I am back at sea level. :)
Here is Dana, trying out for the part of Orphan Annie! She cried for her first 2 1/2 years! We couldn't take her (or ourselves) anywhere! We tried everything we could.... nothing worked! Her music teacher now says that her earlier crying developed for her an extraordinary "Verdi soprano" voice. go figure.
This is a picture of my Grandpa when he was a sailor onboard the HMS Empress of India. It was a merchant ship that got converted to a hospital ship during WWI. He was held in Liverpool during the German Scare because he was thought to be a spy. The Captain had to vouch for him and obtain his release.
Now this is a better idea of Eastern Washington. These foothills are so beautiful and wild. We love going over the mountains and staying in the quaint Bavarian-styled town of Leavenworth.
My Pope and an Angel all rolled up in one. I have so many pet names for her that I can't keep track of them all.
This was a terrific snowfall we had one year. It knocked the power out on my birthday, and I let it spoil the day for me. We were huddled in the rooms downstairs, stoking the fireplace and reading. This picture is of our deck off the back of the house.

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