These pictures were taken as Meg was about 7.5 months along. Since Meg used to work at her doctor's office we talked them into giving us a 3D sonogram which is at the bottom of the page. 3D sonograms are usually only done if there is a problem with the pregnancy, since insurance will only pay for it then, otherwise it's an expensive extra. Fortunately they remember Meghan, of course. Who could ever forget her. They also gave us some bonus 2D sonograms. Still all is well with Meghan and the baby. The baby is head down, and Meg has started to experience some Braxton-Hicks contractions. We are getting closer by the day.
Here we have some face shots, obviously.
The doctor got a good picture of the heart for us.
This is a picture of Meghan at 5 months.
Meg at 7 and a half months along.
This is a cool picture. Almost alien looking with a good shot of the spine and the heart.
A good profile shot.
It's hard to tell, but with some good imagination, this is a picture of her yawning. You can see the lips and gums.
And here it is. A nice 3D photograph of her face.