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Doing your own personal genealogy research in Ireland is out of reach for most people in the world. The cost of flight's, lodgings, food etc,  could run into thousands and thousands of dollars. Not to mention other costs like the traveling from one archives building to another by taxi, train bus or going to another town or  city . Most Family Historians would need to re mortgage their houses, cars or whatever they own  to cover these vast costs. 

Even after spending these large amount of $$ would not even guarantee any success in discovering any records weather civil , census or other that contain your long lost relative's name on it!!

What if an amateur  family historian re mortgaged  his or her house, flew to Ireland, spent thousands of $$ and ended up discovering next to no information of their ancestors?? Next to nothing to show for their money, time and effort?? No certificates to prove that his or her ancestor really existed??

Well this is where we at Emerald Ancestry can help. We can be of service to any person who wants to trace their family's history or anyone who wants to possess copies of the original Irish civil and census records of their ancestors. 

Initial Searches

For anyone just starting out in their ancestral search or  seem to be getting nowhere with their investigations. They should go to our  Initial Search Page  read what is available then either Email us or fill in the Initial and Index request forms.

 Or if any 'newbie'  requires any advice. We will be happy to advise anyone free of charge with no strings

 Email us at   and type the words  "Emerald Advice" in the subject box of the email. We wont be able to answer questions on any particular ancestor  but will hopefully point you into the right direction.

If any one wants to learn anything about the town, place , parish or county their ancestor has come from then they should try the  FREE link at our  Towns Index Page . It contains information on many cities, towns and villages in Ireland. We have also a page dedicated to Maps of Ireland and her, provinces, counties, cities and towns etc.

Adding life to your Family Tree

For  genealogists who have found all or some information on any ancestor, but find that they need that little extra something to breath life into this part of their family tree should then  get copies of original census and civil records. These little pieces of history would turn any facts and dates on a blank page to something that's alive and exciting.

Of course there are microfilms available of Irish census, civil and even some church records but these microfilms are just printed text of the records involved. They don't have the character or charm of the original documents. Discovering an ancestor by  name or by date is like discovering the bare skeleton of that person. But when you can show details like birth records, wedding records or death records or any census records this would be like actually putting the flesh back on to that ancestor!!

 To order a specific record click the appropriate link whether it's a  Civil Record or a Census Record. Then read what is available and fill in the form.

Emerald Ancestry can guarantee that the records or certificates you will receive will be authentic copies of the originals. These records or certificates will probably have your ancestors  own  handwriting on them. They will be small pieces of you Family's history.

 We will  post all certificates to your home address. Receive them first hand! You will see them as they were written down many, many years ago.

 If you are interested in obtaining any civil, census record or if you need an initial search done, please click the appropriate link  below.                                     



If you want a personalized cost of your own ancestral search, then please email us at 

Write 'Personalized Cost' in the subject box and put all the information about  your ancestor  (i.e. Approx d.o.b., place of birth, county of birth and other relevant info you have on your ancestor  on the email so 

You can also search through our  Towns  pages. These pages will give you a brief history on towns in Ireland. Also, listing what parish and barony these towns are in. The towns will also have their 'Poor Law Unions' listed. This information will be useful for anyone searching for Irish Ancestors.

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