My Novel
                   Yes, as previously stated, I have been working on a novel for five
            years. It is semi-autobigraphical. The basic theme of it is one
            man's search for the type of person he is. He relives recent events
            in his life, pondering them and balancing them against his
            definition of what a "Just" man is. He does this in order to reach
            decisions in several dilemmas he has facing him.
            I don't want to say too much about the specifics of the plot but
            I'll give some idea of the meat of the book. The Protagonist is an
            ex-soldier who is trying to come to grips with something he
            witnessed his friends do during the Persian Gulf War. He feels
            compelled to turn them, and himself, in to authorities, but he also
            feels extreme loyalty to them. The story follows his return home and
            the downward spiral of his life as he is eaten away by guilt and
            seeks to find a way to redeem himself. It takes place in three time
            frames, moving back and forth by chapter; the present during which
            he is awaiting the arrival of a reporter he may or may not tell his
            story to, the recent past in which his life falls apart, and the
            less recent past during the war and his time in the army. I hope to
            have each chapter set in the past explain the preceding one in terms
            of characterization, why the protagonist does what he does. Does
            this sound like something you would read? As a somewhat war themed
            novel it has a pre-set audience for it. Yep, got to take commercial
            viability into account when thinking of publishing.
            When I say it's an autobiographical book I don't mean I was a war
            criminal. 80-90% of the true to life aspects of the book come during
            the protagonist's downfall when his life comes apart, I've been
            through that more than once. Have you?
New Projects in Progress, May 2001
                    I'm great at coming up with ideas. I'm great at starting writing
            projects. Finishing these projects and bringing these ideas to
            fruition is another story. So I've taken a new approach to two new
            ideas I recently had. Instead of writing with an exasperated eye
            towards future mass market publication I'm writing for leisure...for
            myself and a few select others.
            My first project is a screenplay. I've never had an interest in this
            form of writing but the idea came to me after watching a documentary
            on the Beats. So for fun I've begun a screenplay treatment of
            Kerouac's On The Road...a version of the book as I see it. I even
            have casting ideas forming. It's actually fun to work on
            this...presenting on film to others something you love.

            My second project is less for fun but something I really want to do.
            I'm writing a book about the 78 men, boys actually, from my
            neighborhood who died in the Vietnam War. I talked with a neighbor
            about his experiences over there as background for one of my stories
            for the Shadows From A Lingering Sun collection and the idea came to
            me as we chatted while standing by the memorial here with the names
            of the 78 boys etched in stone. I've often sat by this memorial and
            read the names...many times wondering who they were, who they might
            have become. Why not look into who they were? So I've done
            that...I've spoken to relatives and with men who served overseas
            with them collecting stories and recollections. I plan on gathering
            as much information as I can about each man and writing a mini
            biography. I'd then like to self publish the book and present a copy
            to each person who provided the information within. A way of
            remembering each of these boys and sharing their stories with the
            other families and friends who felt the loss.