The Explorer- This mech is slow and bulky however it is the only mech that can submerge to the deepest parts of the Kauren ocean without being crushed by the pressure. This suit is very heavily armored with *. It has a very powerful laser built into the front of the suit which is used for underwater drilling. Surprisingly saurons developed this suit long ago. Few of these underwater suits exist today. Can be used underwater or on land. NOTE*This suit has not been tested in space although it would theoretically work. |
Grey System 5- This Mech was designed for all terrain combat. It can fight in space as well as on land. It can fight in water as well. Each Grey system is heavily armored. The mech is built to utilize hand held weaponry however they can be upgraded for more weapon systems. There are still few or these suits as they are the result of the research of the phalanx system |
Silver Hawk- Currently still under development and design stages the silver Hawk is a new suit designed for intense speeds and combat abilities. It is meant to be an advancement upon the phalanx's systems however only time will tell |
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