Long ago during the time of the Sages, Angel was born. As a young girl her talents with magic were very apparent and she was quickly initiated as a student sage immediatly. She learned fast and became one of the most powerful Life Sages, helping planets to grow and rebuild Angel helped build alot of what the universe is today. While living at the palace of the Sages Angel met Kintaro the warrior sage. The two fell in love and all though she was warned against it she didn't listen. One fateful day Kintaro was killed in battle, Angel was devastated. She pleaded to the warrior Gardos, Kintaros friend to bring him back using an ancient ritual. Gardos reluctantly gave in to her demands and summoned Kinatro back. From the very beggining Angel noticed within him something differant. Kintaro became more aggressive, he took on more missions and trained Shendragon vigoriously. Angel confronted him one day about all this, there was an argument and she was hit. The council of sages demanded Kintaro come before them, however when he did, he brought an army along with him. He had turned Shendragon as well and the Sages small amount of warriors could not stand against it. Few survived and even fewer escaped. Angel faced Kintaro and unleashed an unspeakable rage upon him. She tried to reason with Kintaro, he was torn between what to do. She discovered he was being controlled by a demon entity and attacked him trying to save his soul. The demon that inhabited Kintaro's body reacted swifty though and fired a destructive blast directly at the planet and left thinking all were dead. Angel survived however, her love for Kintaro unlocked something within her, a spark of the planneswalkers. Her new power consumed her she became lost in time and space, between planes unable to control her power, Until eventually she came into a blank realm of clear skies and clouds, with a fresh wind. The plann had just formed and was still fresh and new without life. Angel used her powers to grow and grow, here she created the Angel Realm, along with the Angels. For a time she was happy and created a replica of herself for a daughter. However her daughter was adventurous and traveled outside of the realm, becoming the Life Shinn. Her daughter sacrificed herself to help destroy the Death Shinn and again give balance to the Universe. Angel was given her life stone by Shendragon Jr., which was later destroyed by Skull Sabeh. At this time Angels realm was destroyed by Skull Sabeh as well along with all her people. Feeling an overpowerment of loss angel decided to join her power with the remaining planneswalkers and face Kintaro for the final time. |