The Oxymorons 2000

Born: March/April 2000
Died: August 14, 2000

Discovered dead and examined by: Monk Nova


R. I. P.
Here Lies: The Oxymoron Website
Produced......cyber-asexually by Enrico Spada
March/April, 2000 to August 14, 2000

'Twas a good site, not fancy or fine, but good. Rather funny, quite neat, even if it did smell like cheese and other dairy products. Though it died young, it held the wisdom of the monks and sisters that walked through its walls....."Don't pick your nose and chew gum at the same time, don't be snotty, don't feed Kate"......many of the random words of wisdom that still echo throughout the stone cyber-walls of the website. Endless......minutes of joy were spent in the gleeful parlor of games it provided for the tired members of the convent, and the links the 'morons shared were paths to enlightenment.....well, maybe not, but they were kinda chillin....The profiles told the stories of the 'morons, and how their minds had gone, but last and greatest about the site, was the message boards, right next to the dusty chat room. The morons posted their feelings, anxieties, and......etc. upon the cyber-bulletin, up until the last real post, on August 14th. The convent came to a screetching halt, and everyone decided "screw this place, I've got school and such". The titles were thrown down, and the message board was left to wimper within the empty walls of the convent, until he whimpered himself to death, and moved to the url in the sky....... Rest in Peace, Oxymoron site.........


See the late website...