HandySolo's Movie gestures

Escape From NY
Escape From LA
The Thing

The Matrix
From Dusk Til Dawn
Han Solo
The 6th sense

part 1
part 2
part 3

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5

part 6

efny.gif (21564 bytes) h2title.gif (15869 bytes) scream.gif (7672 bytes)
The Site will be under construction for a while as I am making new movie gestures all the time. These gestures are for use on the Virtual Places chat program. To use these gestures you need a zip program such as winzip all my gestures posted here are zipped as some browsers and web servers do not recognise .*VPA format. To download and use any of my gestures simply save the zip file to your hard drive and unzip them to your gesture directory in your VPlaces folder.

Gator: Your smart online companion!

Originality with me is at the fore front of this new gesture site. For a while I wasn't making any new gestures as I lacked inspiration more than anything else. Then I found myself searching for certain movie gestures and couldn't hardley find any. Seemed to me people were more interested in making massive avatar sites and program sites to be bothered making gestures. Then the occasional gesture idea would flurry in and I would make some snake plissken gestures from either of John Carpenter movies escape from new york and escape from LA. Then I was asked to make x-files gestures so I did (as I do sometimes *not often* do requests for friends on vp) I soon realised that I was enjoying myself again getting back into doing what I was always good at and that's making big animated movie gestures with great sounds.


I am a BIG John Carpenter movie fan and decided to make a whole load of his movies into animated gestures for the vp community as well as myself. Like I said orginality you find another site with the coming animated gestures I will be posting on this site. I will be doing the following movies.....The Thing,Escape From New York,Escape from LA,Vampires,Halloween all of them cept Halloween 3 coz it sucked,Scream 1 2 and 3 and we will see what else comes along the road. Oh as Well as The Bone Collector because I liked that movie too. I'll even re post my from dusk till dawn movie gestures as well as my 6th sense ones in fact i'll be posting any and all my movie gestures here that I have made in the past.

As for now download my gestures and play them all over VP and most important of all, enjoy I had fun making them you may as well have fun playing them ...:=) I have learned DHTML and am Playing around a little lol.

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