
eMusicals, where you can find everything about Broadway Musicals online.


eMusicals has returned and will commence its regular updates again!.
A new Featured Piece is in showcase: Ribbons Down My Back, from Hello, Dolly!.

Past News

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Come back soon, and enjoy your visit at eMusicals.

Xplained, the new help section at eMusicals.
Launch Featured Piece Window.

Crazy For You
Hello, Dolly! 
Guys And Dolls
Phantom Of The Opera   


MIDI archive at eMusicals. Including those MIDI that have been showcased on the Featured Piece section.

 eMusicals Forum 

Post your comments, questions, suggestions about Broadway Musicals, as you interact with other Broadway fans. Also, post your requests for MIDI here.

411 Midi Page

Find a comprehensive guide as to how I personally sequence, arrange, orchestrate and compose my musical pieces, particularly in MIDI format. Broadway MIDI, and MIDI in general.

Custom Midi

Get information on how to obtain and request your own Custom MIDI.


Miscellaneous Things. Right now, the Messenger Tricks Generator. A utility I created to generate codes that produce different effects on Yahoo Messenger.

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