"Some homegrown thoughts on personal investment management"

mesa_saguaro logo, symbol of peace of mind personal financial investing

Saguaro Bob's Prickly Financial Meanderings

mesa_saguaro logo, symbol of peace of mind personal financial investing

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Hello and welcome. As difficult as it may be to believe, I do have a Mission for this website and that is:

"To share with visitors my thoughts about personal investing and recommend other commercial websites that I feel have very important things to say about maximizing the returns on one's investments."

Okay, now that the dry, boring mission statement is out of the way, why would anyone be interested in what I have to say about money? Good question... I am not a professional money manager or anything close to that. But I have spent lots of time developing my scheme, it works for me and maybe you may discover some tidbit of information which helps to clarify a question or two you have about investing.

A penny for my thoughts...and overpriced at that!
" No one cares more about your money than you do"
Favorite "off-subject" Link of the Month
Cigar Aficionado Magazine

Alright, if I haven't lost you yet, let's get to what this site is all about....MONEY.

This site is arranged in the following topics:

3 Principles for "Peace of Mind" Financial Investing

Portfolio Allocations

Help is at Your Fingertips

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this website are my own, personal views. I am NOT an investment professional. Seek professional advice before you invest.