Juan Carlos Alvarez
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Hi. Let me tell you about myself. II like to eat. Sometimes I drink. Often times I even sleep! And then in between all of those, I'll need to go to visit the bathroom. Most of the time I do all of those, practically everyday! And sometimes I do things with other people. I used to go to school, but now I work.  My favorite color is blue.

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My hobbies and interests include soccer, basketball, solving algebraic equations, traveling in foreign countries and a lot more things to do outdoors.

I have a mom, two sisters and two brothers. One is older, one is younger. I'm the middle child.I am married(very happy) I have one son and other child coming sometime in July 2000.  I also have relatives in La Quita,Palm Desert(California) and Colombia(Medellin and Bogota).


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