SEDAN Node (PCAL)-KT4BT-8 & (9653)-KT4BT-11

Southeastern Emergency Digital Association Networks

pcal KT4BT-8 & (9653)-kt4bt-11
PCAL, 9653, & the cabinet they live in

KF4HBB  pcal co-SNO's HamPhotos Page
ALWAYS SMILING, Gordon KF4HBB one of the SNO's at pcal and some of his handi-work
KF4HAZ  pcal site owner's HamPage

One of the SEDAN "movers and shakers" here is Lonnie KF4HAZ at the Lawrenceville Hamfest, The tower on which PCAL is hosted is at Lonnie's home in Pell City AL.   Lonnie also maintains the St. Clair County ARES/RACES HamPages Site.

Below is the 100' tower that Lonnie built for the Node, Lonnie we need 12 more just like you!
pcal tower ~750'amsl

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Copyright © 2000 by Dennis Willmon KT4BT
This PCAL Page was created by


Dennis Willmon KT4BT "Alabama Network Manager SEDAN."
And Lonnie Underwood KF4HAZ Site owner node PCAL