SEDAN Alabama System Network Manager, Dennis KT4BT

Southeastern Emergency Digital Association Networks



One of the SEDAN "movers and shakers" at home on Kawligia beach, Lake Martin shores, Alabama. The home of Hank Williams wooden Indian, "Kawligia."

Below is the number one SNO at LMN... misses the fire-plug, but understandable... what, with only one eye, Booboo does well to "point" in that direction.

Emergency Communications Ready at Station KT4BT.

Here is the tower and 'HOME BREW' antennas that host the Packet station of KT4BT. At the top is a 4 pole array, and side mounted is another phased array consisting of 8 home-made, full wave verticals, spaced 1/2 wave apart and 1/2 wave vertical separation. 

OK, so a coffee break will be held when you come down Dennis.

Node LMN and 9650... the photo says the rest.

A local water-tank... this should give you some ideas.....

A closer look reveals the heart of the KT4BT nodes at Lake Martin, Alabama. The antenna(s) are installed one over the other with great coverage of the Lake Martin and Alex City area. In addition, the nodes easily annex the neighbor nodes RAL/9663 (Roanoke, AL) and MAL/9651 (Montgomery, AL).

Time out for a coffee break, after building another SEDAN node.

ProActive SNO, Dennis Willmon is the recipient of the 1997 SEDAN "POTY" award.

Dennis KT4BT

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    WebMaster, Buck Rogers K4ABT "Packet Radio Editor CQ Magazine."