Southeastern Emergency Digital Association Networks

Installing the Jasper,AL SEDAN Node(JAL) on 145.770MHz

We had Quite a day With this one!

About the time we got to the site we were rewarded with a rainstorm that lasted for about an hour. In between showers we did manage to get the Antenna up, and "I" Dennis made the connections at the bottom. They say there is a first time for everything, and so it was, i connected the battery backwards!

Rick kc4rnf looks inside trying to locate the problem!

This 200ft tower is really a nice one.

Every-one looked so despondent, untill Boyd saved the day with a tnc he had just purchased, and then Buck fixed the other one that was shorted by the reversed polarity.

And here sits Hank WA4GQS, arms folded studying the whole thing!

Many thanks to Boyd W4WBS for the nice pictures at the site!


ALWAYS SMILING, Hank shows us how to ride a bike

One of the SEDAN "movers and shakers" at his home away from home, doing what he does best, here is Hank at Winn Creek State Park."

Below is the number one SNO at JAL, Hanks Loving Wife Mary.

Here is Hanks Grand childern Holly and Samantha.


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Copyright © 2000 by Dennis Willmon KT4BT
This WA4GQS Page was created by

    WebMaster, Dennis Willmon KT4BT "Alabama Network Manager SEDAN."