My kids
For the lights of my life

Without you all I am lost
Loretta born when I was sixteen
Without you heaven knows where I would have been
Jessica came along at eighteen
Now I had two daughters... the cutest to be seen
Next came Brandon at twenty-eight
To be without you I would hate
Our lives have gone up and down
But each of you can claim me as your own
I will be there for you through thick and thin
No matter what troubles we find ourselves in.
I thank God above
That he sent you all for me to love
He gave you to no other
I will always be your mother
To love and cherish
Until the day that I perish
And even then we will never part
I will forever be in your heart
Each of you is an ace
No others can take your place.

Written in Reno Sept. 1999 with love... Mom

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Do we deserve
A bit about me
For my friends
Precious gift