THIS IS THE OFFICIAL SAINT JOSEPH REUNION HOMEPAGE The 25th Reunion of the 1974 Saint Joseph's grade School reunion was held on October 15th, 1999 at the Parish Hall. A good time was had by all as over 90 of our '74 graduates were in attendance. Some even brought their spouses!!!! Special thanks to Luke Howard and Pat Burns for all their efforts in organizing the reunion, calling graduates, sending letters, arranging for food and beverages, cleaning up afterwards, putting together the reunion pamphlet, and especially for arriving early and decorating the Hall. Those guys are the best!!!! (and Carol helped a little bit too) The party started at about 8:00 PM and people started showing up shortly thereafter. A lot of soft drinks were consumed along with about 12 cartons of cigarettes. The DJ was spinning records from back in the day but very little dancing was observed - it was just like the 8th grade dance 25 years ago - the boys stood on one side and the girls stood on the other side. The boys had a lot more bellies and lot less hair but the girls looked great - not even one of them had a spec of gray hair - imagine that. We exchanged a lot of old grade school stories and while most of the party broke up at around 1:00 AM - a few people stayed until the wee hours of the morning (Father Lavin must be rolling over in his grave) playing "Saint Joe's Trivia." Hope to see everyone at the 50th reunion.
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