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Chipshot.com on 09/28/2000 filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. As a result their links are removed. "We've gone to "Other Merchants" thats TGW.com for you to choose brands from. "Our Quest finds TGW the
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We are committed to being the most customer-focused company and in an effort to improve your experience on the website we have taken some of your suggestions and built a great new look. You will now find several "stores-within-a-store", making it much easier for you to search for and find the products and information you need most. Specific stores for men, women, juniors, beginners, and lefties let you get products and fresh content specifically chosen for the type of golfer you are. Just what can you expect from your favorite golf site? A Store just for you - whether you are a lefty golfer, a woman golfer, a beginner golfer, or you are challenging the local pro, we have a store for you!  Expert Club Builder - Design your own clubs. Clubs made for your style of play and your specifications. My Game - The new name for the "Clubhouse". Providing you with lessons, tips, and other services like the Handicap Tracker, a Golf Course Guide and much more. Now you can improve your game or just sit back and talk to your virtual pro. What can I give this holiday season? We've got your answer: The amazing new Gift Center. You can shop by budget, by brand, by persona or take our word and check out the Cool Gift Ideas. Quick Picks Store - includes favorite items chosen by chipshot.com staffers, bargain items, and more.We appreciate your input in helping us improve your experience. Remember to check back in a few days!
Thanks again for your continued support.        Michael J. Mooney Founder & President, golfChipshot2.com
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New Web site Updated              09/25/2002
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