L . O . D . A .
(Lost Disc Airmen)
We have a purpose again!
L.O.D.A. started in the summer of 1999 as a way to fill the void left by the end of bowling season.
Since then it has grown into an organization determined to raise money for the
Sons of Hermann Historical Society.

Our first fundraiser was to replace the sign on the building at 3414 Elm with a replica of the original neon sign. Wait until you hear about our new project!

We try to have monthly tournaments at BB Owen Park. (Kingsley & Plano) The tournaments are held when the weather is good.
Tournaments are generally Florida Scramble and teams are drawn the day of the tournament.

A $5.00 entry fee is required, with all proceeds going toward our current fundraising endevour.
What is Disc Golf?
Disc Golf Around the Corner
Disc Golf Store
(Professional Disc Golf Assoc.)
Sons of Hermann Hall
Tournament Winners PICTURES
Monday night winners
I am better than you are!!
Look at my stats!!
The game is quite simple to play and the rules are similar to those of regular golf. If the hole is a par 3, then you have three "throws" to make it in the basket. There is a regular Tee Box from where you start; the "hole" is a basket approximately 3 ft high and 3 ft around, it stands 3 ft off the ground. You must make it in that basket.
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