My Links Page
I have listed here some links of interest.Some of them are resources for materials used in my pages.I hope you will take the time to visit them and learn about the wolves and how they are in desperate need of restoration. They balance our worlds exsistance.The wolf is a beautiful creature that is often misunderstood and feared due to ignorance on the subject.I hope you will join in our efforts to stop the senseless killing of Gods creatures.They are part of our Heritage.
I would like to thank all the people that have contributed to the creatation of my pages.... both directly and indirectly.
Thank you for visiting my site,and please,be kind and sign my guest book while you are here.
North American Wolf Association:
Madison Black Wolf Official Site:
Wolf Song of Alaska:
The Wolfs den website-Wolf Information Center
Wolf Rescue Center
Wolf Park Web Site:
World of Lady Wolf-Wolf Links:
Call Of The Wild-Wild Wolves in Haliburton!
Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory-Native Americans and Wolves:
Chandos Wolf
Wolf Den
My Awards