ever vigilant, ever prowling.
My spirit is free, as the wind
in the trees, and the water
in the streams.
I have walked this Earth in peace
and harmony, long before Man.
I take from no one and yet stand accused,
and accursed.
I too, have family, as does the 2 leggeds.
I too have hopes and dreams of survival.
I am both shadow and light.
You may feel me near by, and yet seldom see me.
I am the spirit of freedom, that is oft times feared.
I invited you to listen, do not speak.
Observe and I shall teach.
Learn well my lessons that harmony and peace
may continue, as Mother Earth, and My Creator
Fear is founded only in ignorance.......
I am a Teacher, Hear my lessons, Hear my plea.
For I am shadow and light,
ever vigilant and ever prowling.
I am OSILO - White Wolf.
Written for my sister, Sharon
With much LOVE, Debi
May 18,2000
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