Welcome tae my wee website, if I'd had mair beer in, then ye could've stayed the night. I'm a Govanite born an' breid, did I hear someone say, 'I thought he wis deid'. I'm tryin' my haun at this new fangled rage, o' draggin' an' drappin' a decent homepage. So haud yer wheesh an' gie me a break, I'll try my best no' tae make a mistake. Hae a wee keek at my lassies below, they call me Dad an' Grandpa Joe. I'm livin' the noo in a wee toon called Stra'ven, retired an' content in a nice wee haven. Wi' a couple o' pals an' the odd game o' snooker, a few pints o' heavy an' oops! Cheerio! I've left somethin' oan the cooker
Stra'ven. Where Mary Queen o' Scots stoaped for b&b at the castle oan her way tae Dunbar, sayin' tae Darnley, 'I'm no' gonnae sleep rough like I had tae dae last night , under yon big oak tree at Arden, Wi' yon big acorns stickin' in my ribs, an' yon big Clydesdale lickin' at my chops'. 'Mary ye wee scunner, that wisnae the hoarse', said Darnley
A snippet from "the book".
Hae a wee shuftie tae yer right, dis that no' gie ye a fright. Ye might say, he looks pretty pally, but he's awfy peelly-wally. My photie tells a gory-story, I'm just a Glesga Keelie, really. Brought up like a' the rest, suckled oan my mammie's breast. Big ootsiders wi' butter, thrown tae me doon in the gutter. Shoutin', 'mammie hae ye no' goat jeelly', just a Glesga Keelie, really.
            Jason and I                                          Anne                                          Angela
Have just published my autobiography; 'Good God in Govan.'
Click here if interested.