


Pilgrims Oak

Rookies for 2003
Pete Ciliberto - A Division Ram Shan - B Division Tom Carroll - B Division

The first match of the 2003 Season took place on a very gloomy, cold, windy day
that constantly threatened of rain.
Just a short drive to
Amish country
Carts lined up while everyone takes advantage
of the free practice facilities
Pilgrims Oak made all the Linksturs feel 
Doug's first try to get across 
the water
His second attempt wasn't 
successful either
There's a lot of trouble on the 18th 
Pete chips up from out of the
And finishes up his round with
a one putt
Ron's putting didn't prove to 
be as accurate
Gene always gets that goofy look
when he wins a few points
Herman always gets THAT look when
he doesn't win a few points
Matt wasn't feeling a lot of pressure 
on this particular day