Official Kodiak Football League Homepage

The Kodiak Football League kicked off its first season in the Fall of 1999. The youth football league was started by Dave Jones, retired Kodiak Police Chief John Palmer and KMXT News Director Doug Letch. The goal of the league is to promote safe play of one of America's favorite sports and to have fun.

Nearly 150 kids aged 8-12 competed during our first season. The league was comprised of six teams competing in two divisions; ages 8-10, and ages 11-12.

The KFL's first game took place under sunny skies Friday September 3, 1999 at Baranof Park in Kodiak. A huge crowd filled the sidelines and endzones to watch the Jr. Bears drop the Maulers and the Lions claw the Eagles. (Click here to see pictures from openning day.)

Teams played six games in a variety of weather condition throughout September and early October. The season ended with the Chiefs slipping past the Eagles on a two point conversion in over-time.

At the end of the season, each division had identical records, (Click here to see the standings) and the KFL had achieved its goal of providing a safe and fun outlet for kids.

Thanks for the countless hours put in by coaches, parents, players, volunteers, field officials (Evan Jones, Steve O'Brien and Peggy Rauwolf), Jamie Butler (for answering phone calls to Dave), the Kodiak Lions Club, and our fans.

Special thanks to Head Coach Tony Cortes, our six team sponsors and other sponsors.

Special thanks to Ian Fulp and the city of Kodiak Parks and Recreation Department, the Kodiak Island Borough and the Kodiak Police Department for their assistance.

Special thanks to KMXT Public Radio and the Kodiak Daily Mirror for coverage of the KFL's first season.

***Thanks especially to KFL President Dave Jones and KFL Secretary John Palmer who got it all started and kept it going!***

It was a great first season!

For the 2000 season, KFL organizers plan to add a division for 13-14 year olds. Fundraising efforts are underway to buy equipment for the new division, more safety equipment and a scoreboard for the playing field. An expanded board of directors has been formed to ensure the KFL will be an active part of the Kodiak youth sports scene for years to come. Registration will begin at the Kodiak Crab Festival in May. A practice and season schedule is being developed.

The KFL Homepage is maintained by Doug Letch, KFL Treasurer.

E-mail me at:

Phone me at: (907)486-3181.

For other KFL Websites visit Tony Cortes's home page. and a site by an unknown GEOCITIES AUTHOR.