The Official
HIBWAW Website!
This site is currently under construction. As you can see, I have no idea what I'm doing - which is exactly the intent and purpose of HIBWAW.
Random Drivel:
You guys need to send me some photos so I can start a photo gallery of past HIBWAW debauchery.
HIBWAW 13 - Lucky 13 - Mesquite (After) - PHOTOS!!
HIBWAW 13 - Lucky 13 - Mesquite (Before)
HIBWAW 12 - Mexico
PGA Tour Rules
HIBWAW 11 - Rancho Bernardo 3
In an effort to eliminate the creative scorekeeping so prevalent at past HIBWAWs, the Inner Circle has requested a link to the official rules of golf. Please note, there is no such thing as a "mulligan" or a "foot wedge."
HIBWAW 10 - Anniversary Extravagnza!
HIBWAW 9 - Baja Mar 2
HIBWAW 8 - Rancho Bernardo 2
HIBWAW 7 - South of the Border PHOTOS!!!
HIBWAW 6 - Rancho Bernardo
HIBWAW 5 - Last Year @ Ojai
E-Mail HIBWAW Webmaster
Comments and feedback from HIBWAW veterans and prospective particpants.