A.M.F. Golf Association - 2006 Schedule





Thurs., April 13

League play

Start of the season!

Thurs., April 27

The Masters

1st major tournament.

Thurs., May 18

The Anniversary Cup

2nd major tournament

Thurs., June 15

The Oakville Open

3rd major tournament

Thurs., June 22

"3 Club Night"


June 11 & 12

7th Annual Pike Lake Tournament

Time: Approx. 1:00pm
Location: Pike Lake Golf Club

Mon., July 10

11th Annual Scramble

Time: Approx. 9:00am
Location: Lakeview
Format: Scramble

Thurs., July 20

The Burlington Open

4th major tournament.

Thurs., August 10

The AMFGA Championship

5th major tournament.

Fri., August 18

19th annual AMFGA
Dog Days Classic

Time: Approx.10 :00am
Location: Guelph Lakes.
Format: 3-2-1

Thurs., Sept. 28

League play

Final Thursday night tournament.

Sat., Sept. 30

HAM Invitational & AMFGA
Annual Awards Banquet

Final round & the 6th major.


A.M.F. Golf Association Handicapping Process



Handicapping Process

The AMFGA follows the Royal Canadian Golf Association Handicap System to calculate handicaps.

The table below indicates the number of scores required to do a valid handicap calculation.



Use the best

Of the last

Use the best

Of the last























During handicap calculation only, Equitable Stroke Control may be required to adjust individual hole scores downward according to the following table. The resulting total score is called the "adjusted gross".



Oakville Handicap

Max Score On Any Hole

less than 1

1 over par

1 through 14

2 over par

15 through 25

3 over par

26 and over

4 over par



For each round played, a handicap differential (HD) is calculated as follows:
HD = Adjusted gross - course rating1

A course differential (CD) is calculated by taking the average of the best HD’s:
CD = (Sum of best 102 of last 20 HD’s)/102

A course handicap (CH) is determined by taking 96% of the course differential rounded to the nearest whole stroke.
CH = CD X .96

A handicap index (HI) is calculated as follows:
HI = CH X 1133/OEGC slope1

Your HI can be used at any course to determine your handicap (TCH) for that course (TC):
TCH = HI X TC slope/113.

Notes: 1. Oakville Executive Golf Course rating is 58, slope is 87.
          2. If 20 games have not been played, refer to 1st table for "best of" numbers.
          3. The "standard" slope is 113.


A.M.F. Golf Association - Processes & Guidelines




The AMFGA will accommodate 18 active members..


A new member must be sponsored by a current member. THE Commish will call for a vote of acceptance from the active membership.


The annual membership fee is $50.00 and is payable before the first regular play date.
A full roster gives us the required $850.00 to cover the current prize schedule.


Oakville Executive Golf Course - OEGC (Par = 63, Course Rating = 58, Slope = 87) owned and operated by our good friends, the Meyers family.


Thursday evenings from the 2nd Thursday in April to the 4th Thursday in September and the following Saturday.

- P.M.:

April thru August, 4:10, 4:20, 4:30, 4:40 - be at the golf course by 4:00 p.m.
September, 3:40, 3:50, 4:00, 4:10 - be at the golf course by 3:30 p.m.


AMF’ers compete both in individual and team play. Four or five man teams are determined by a random draw. In individual play, order of finish is determined by net score; lowest net score finishes 1st , etc.. In team play, a team competes using the best net score from it’s members.


If you cannot play a particular week, you must call THE Commish (Bill Thompson) at home (905-848-1016) or e-mail: w.k.thompson@sympatico.ca all day Monday or Tuesday before noon of the week you cannot play. Or, you may notify the Commish the previous Thursday and he will update his list.  THE Commish must call Harold to cancel unrequired times by Wednesday evening.

If you don't call and don't show up at the golf course, you will be assessed a $2.00 fine.

Spares may contact the Commish at the above numbers after 12 noon, Tuesday on a first come, first served basis to claim any available spots.


On the AMFGA Tour, each play date is a tournament (20 regular and 6 major)
and prizes are awarded according to the prize schedule below. Major tournament dates are outlined in the annual Events Calendar.

The following "local rules" apply during our weekly games:
- "Mulligans" are granted, not taken.
- "Gimmes" are granted, not taken.
- Winter Rules or Preferred Lies are in effect.

If circumstances prevent a golfer from finishing several holes of a round, he will take a score for each missed hole according to his handicap. In other words, if a player gets no strokes on a missed hole, he will take a par. If he gets 1 stroke on a missed hole, he will take a bogie, etc. In any event, a golfer must actually have played at least 13 holes before his round can be applied against the prize structure or handicapping process.

If circumstances cause an AMF’er to miss the first few holes, he may go back after his round is complete and play out those holes.

In most cases, all golfers playing in a tournament must complete their round before prizes will be awarded for that tournament. THE Commish will decide if play should be terminated because of inclement weather.  If a golfer retires on his own, AMF!

If there is a question about whether or not a round should count or what scores should be recorded for a specific hole, THE Commish will make the final decision, applying the above guidelines wherever possible.


Handicaps will be calculated using the RCGA Handicap System. See the AMF Golf Association Handicapping Process, above. 

Each of us will start a new season with a handicap developed by applying the above process to our previous season scores.

If you are new to AMFGA and haven’t played at the OEGC, THE Commish will assign you a handicap based on your previous golf experience. Your handicap will be reviewed as you play your rounds and may be adjusted so as not to give you or the other AMF’ers any unfair advantage.


All prizes, weekly and annual, will be awarded at the Annual banquet following the
final round of the season. The prize schedule is as follows:

Individual Prizes

All Players’ Tour:


Regular tournament:   1st - $10.00 20X$10.00= $200.00
                                2nd - $ 5.00 20X$  5.00= $100.00

Major tournament:       1st - $20.00 4X$20.00 = $ 80.00
                                 2nd - $10.00 4X$10.00 = $ 40.00

 Anniversary Cup      1st - $30.00 2X30.00 = $60.00

& H.A.M.                 2nd - $15.00 2X$15.00 = $30.00
                                               Total    $510.00           Grand Total  $510.00

If there is a tie for 1st place, 1st plus 2nd place prize monies will be split equally amongst players tied. If there is a tie for 2nd place, 2nd place prize money will be split equally amongst players tied.


The BLUE PLAID JACKET - To the AMFGA’s leading weekly money winner as of the final tournament

If there is a tie for the BLUE PLAID JACKET, THE Commish will immediately initiate a process to determine the winner.

At 3 tournaments chosen by THE Commish:
                     Closest to pin: $5.00 3X$5.00 = $ 15.00
                       Longest putt: $5.00 3X$5.00 = $ 15.00

Seasonal Low Net:              $20.00                 $ 20.00
Seasonal High Net:             $10.00                 $ 10.00
                                              Total     $ 60.00           Grand Total  $570.00

Super Senior (60+) Players’ Tour:


The SUPER SENIORS’ TROPHY – To the leading money winner in this division as of the final tournament

If there is a tie for the SUPER SENIORS’ TROPHY, THE Commish will immediately initiate a process to determine the winner.

Team Prizes


1ST place earns 3 points
2nd place earns 2 points
3rd place earns 1 points

If a team has no players show up, it earns 0 points. If teams are tied for any place, each team receives the points for that place. The best net score from the players on a team is used to determine the order of finish.


After the final tournament, teams are ranked according to total points earned with the highest number of points taking 1st place, etc. Prizes are awarded as follows:

1st place - $120.00
2nd place - $ 90.00
3rd place -  $ 60.00                      Total       $270.00           Grand Total  $840.00

If a tournament is rained out, the Commish will determine how prize monies will be affected.

If our roster is such that we don’t have $840.00 in the prize pool, THE Commish will adjust the prize schedule as necessary.


The membership monies total $900.00 and the prize outlay is $840.00. The $60.00 reserve will be maintained and accumulated by THE Commish for "emergencies".


The resolution of all disputes will be the sole responsibility of THE Commish. His decision will be final.


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