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The Golf Tip of the Week

This week's tip is brought to us by:
Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson

Hey Phil.

Hey Tiger.

Today's tip is about putting.

Yes, putting is fundamental to the game of golf. Let's focus on two things, reading the green and tempo.

Actually I was going to talk to the people about the fist pump, a critical element of each and every putt.

That is the dumbest thing i've ever heard.

Hmmm... let's figure out who should give the lessons here.

Ok, how do we do that?

Who here has won a whole truckload of Majors, and who's the whiny little turd who's won none?

I hate you Tiger.

So where was I... ah yes, the fist pump...

These crazy kids.

Be sure to check back again next week for more fantastic golf tips!

Golf Tip of the Week - Copyright 2002