Welcome To Mike Logan's Homepage
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Mike's Picture Hello and welcome to my homepage. Currently, this is just a place to store my online resume. I plan to include other information and links as I have time available. This poor quality picture of myself was taken using the Silicon Graphics workstation at my desk at Honeywell.
My Resume
Jackie's Business Card
My Golf Stats

What's New

Picture of me shaking hands with Mike Kelley (Vice-President of ATS) after receiving my Process Acheivement Award.

Picture of Ken Pratt, Jim Lyells, Andy Large, and myself at Palm Valley Golf Club in Las Vegas.

Picture of Dave Pittsenbarger, Chris Fritzke, Gordon Pittsenbarger, and Dick Fritzke at Palm Valley Golf Club in Las Vegas.

Can you pick the better golf swing based on the finish? Hint...look for BALANCE!

The Fritzke's react in white knuckle terror to the 4g acceleration of the Big Shot at the Stratosphere!

Picture of my perfect backswing form taken at Palm Valley Golf Club in Las Vegas.

Remainder of page is under construction ...

Visitor since January 30, 1999

Last Updated: March 27, 1999