VMO-6 Cruise Book From "The 'Nam" - 1966-67"
Here are a few scans from our 67 cruise book, the names are listed on this page and you can click on the link
in each set of names to view the picture from the cruise book.
Any comments send me e-mail, fang@snakebite.com.
VMO-6 Cruise Patch. (60KB)
Official squadron patch. (59KB)
Squadron TAC(A) Patch. (49KB)
A Few Pages of "Klondiker's" (No thumb nails just names...)
(Click on link to see the cruise book page.)

Sgt. J. Sheehan, Sgt. R.N. Soukup, Sgt. A.D. Storms, Sgt. H.L. Vanhorn, Sgt. J.A. Wroblewski, Cpl. T.E. Ackers, Cpl. R.C.Ault, Cpl. R.W. Crutcher, Cpl. D.D. Dohnert, Jr., Cpl. L.C. Fansler, Cpl. L.J. Fisher, Cpl. C.R. Frey, Cpl. T.D. Gibbs, Cpl. G.A. Graham, Cpl. A.D. Haas
- To see the faces go to the picture. (74KB)
Cpl. E.A. Hawkins, Cpl. G.H. Heisler, Cpl. Hooper, Cpl. H.L. Kendrick, Cpl. G.O. Knorr, Cpl. D.S. Kristich, Cpl. R.R. Lafferty, Cpl. M.F. Levanduski, Cpl. R.C. Mead, Cpl. A.J. Mozol, Jr., Cpl. J.F. Polan, Cpl. R.J. Popp, Cpl. R.C. Rich, Cpl. J.J. Reggi, Cpl. D.J. Sherrill
- To see the faces go to the picture. (70KB)
Cpl. L.P. Wesson, Cpl. H.A. Whipple, II, Cpl. F.J. Zuicarelli, Jr., L/Cpl. M.J. Bisaccia, L/Cpl. E.W. Bounds, L/Cpl. A.J. Callaway, L/Cpl. R.O. Carr, L/Cpl. J.J. Chisholm, L/Cpl. R.N. Christensen, L/Cpl. J.S. Cooper, L/Cpl. J.W. Culver, L/Cpl. G. Defeo, L/Cpl. M.J. Ferreira, L/Cpl. P.N. Green, L/Cpl. R.L. Hall
- To see the faces go to the picture. (70KB)
L/Cpl. M.W. Hardy, L/Cpl. E.S. Harris, L/Cpl. R.S. Heinrichs, L/Cpl. S.J. Ippolito, Jr., L/Cpl. J. Kelleher, L/Cpl. T.C. Kerr, L/Cpl. J.R. Kester, L/Cpl. J.R. King, L/Cpl. J.A. Leclair, L/Cpl. R.F. Leen, L/Cpl. N.E. Lowery, L/Cpl. R.P. Mazikowski, L/Cpl. B.L. McBride, L/Cpl. W.T. McKinney, L/Cpl. W.R. Muldrew
- To see the faces go to the picture. (73KB)
Gy/Sgt. I.O. Armstrong, Gy/Sgt. W.C. Lee, Gy/Sgt. A.E. MacLellan Jr., Gy/Sgt. S.W. Newell, Gy/Sgt. J.R. Oliver, Gy/Sgt. L.N. Poulson, Gy/Sgt. O.E. Reeder, Gy/Sgt. J.L. Smith, Gy/Sgt. E.C. Vittelli
- To see the faces go to the picture. (48KB)
S/Sgt. Cooper, S/Sgt. H.M. Crumpler, S/Sgt. J.E. Denike, S/Sgt. L.C. Elliott, S/Sgt. W.F. Engler, S/Sgt. J.B. Harris, S/Sgt. N. Marinos, S/Sgt. L.L. Robertson, S/Sgt. D.L. Stock, S/Sgt. A.D. Storms, S/Sgt. T.P. Wagoner, Sgt. L.F. Whitham, S/Sgt. R.H. Williams, Sgt. W.A. Calmese, Sgt. E.J. Diorio, Jr.
- To see the faces go to the picture. (73KB)
Sgt. J.J. Duffie, Sgt. P. Elder, Sgt. J.J. Gebhart, Sgt. J.A. Green, Sgt. T.A. Gullo, Sgt. D.L. Hamilton, Sgt. D.E. Hill, Jr., Sgt. J.W. Jordan, Sgt. A.E. Kelly, Jr., Sgt. M.W. Leftridge, Sgt. W. McDevitt, Sgt. J.F. Oconnor, Sgt. B. Osborn, Sgt. W.C. Pelham, Jr., Sgt. R.A. Rodrigues
- To see the faces go to the picture. (75KB)
L/Cpl. K.R. Perkins, L/Cpl. T.R. Pohrte, L/Cpl. S.J. Rizzo, Jr., L/Cpl. R.L. Russom, L/Cpl. D.G. Schoenherr, L/Cpl. L.R. Shively, L/Cpl. W.H. Short, L/Cpl. M.F. Singh, L/Cpl. M.E. Sisson, L/Cpl. A.L. Sutton, L/Cpl W.E. Sweat, L/Cpl. C.B. Tracy, L/Cpl. D.W. White, L/Cpl. H.C. Wyatt, L/Cpl. E.J. Zielinski, Jr.
- To see the faces go to the picture. (76KB)
Pfc. R.L. Gilbert, Pfc. J.E. Newberry, Pfc. B.H. Tarver, Pfc. D.J. Verser, Jr.
- To see the faces go to the picture. (18KB)
S/Sgt. R.H. Avery Jr., S/Sgt. W.C. Lee, S/Sgt. W.P. McDurmott, Sgt. C.J. Smith, Cpl. T.N. Farley, Cpl. G.O. Knorr, Cpl. J.R. Madden, Cpl. R. Woertz, L/Cpl. D.G. Fossum, L/Cpl. D.J. Gay, Pfc. D.J. Paulson, L/Cpl. R. Telles
- To see the faces go to the picture. (58KB)

Lt. Colonel W.R. Maloney CO 23-Jul-1966 until 27-Mar-1967
- To see the faces go to the picture. (58KB)
Lt. Colonel J.A. Nelson CO 27-Mar-1967 until ???
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Maj. J. Gallagher, Maj. C.G. Gerard, Maj. R.E. Heald, Maj. C.E. Hendrix, Maj. D.F. Kelley, Maj. L.W. Smith, Jr.
- To see the faces go to the picture. (58KB)
Capt. R.D. Almy, Capt. J.C. Arick, Capt. J.W.P. Andrews, Capt. D.A. Ballentine, Capt. J.W. Barnard, Capt. J.B. Boden, Jr., Capt. N.E. Burke, Capt. D.E. Caverly, Capt. J.A. Chiaramonte, Capt. D.J. Cobb III, Capt. D.H. Dupont, Capt. R.E. Fairfield, Jr.
- To see the faces go to the picture. (58KB)
Capt. J.D. Garner, Capt. J.J. Hanley, Capt. R.L. Henry, Capt. K.K. Kerr, Capt. E. Kufeldt, Capt. G.A. McAdams, Capt. B.F. McMillan, Capt. C.D. McRaney, Capt. R.L. Neff, Capt. G.A. Olsen, Capt. S.A. Penninger Jr., Capt. J.R. Peterson, Capt. S.W. Pless, Capt. W. Rankin, Capt. R.S. Saunders Jr.
- To see the face go to the picture. (81KB)
Capt. C. Swinburn, Capt. R.E. Todt, Capt. K.D. Waters, Capt. C.D. Wood III, 1/Lt. D.T. Almida, 1/Lt. J.R. Boston, 1/Lt. J.A. Beurger, 1/Lt. T.R. Chapman, 1/Lt. B.F. Galbreath, 1/Lt. J.R. Grimmer, 1/Lt. T.L. Levy, 1/Lt. E.A. Marvin, 1/Lt. W.H. Miles
- To see the face go to the picture. (62KB)
1/Lt. J.I. Murphy, 1/Lt. C. Nida, 1/Lt. J.C. Pickett, 1/Lt. D.W. Price, 2/Lt. G.E. Rosental, 2/Lt. A.M. Rothschild, 1/Lt. B.L. Thatcher, 2/Lt. J.D. Wright, WO-1 C.L. Boyd, WO-1 D.A. Malay, WO-1 J.R. Waterbury, CWO-3 E.R. Vaughn
- To see the faces go to the picture. (60KB)
Dr. B.L. Moffitt Lt. USN(MC), Dr. R.W. Atkins Lt. USN(MC)
- To see the faces go to the picture. (50KB)
Mr. Don Janusewski (Bell Helicopters), Mr. Joe Johnson (Lycoming Engines)
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Now With The Rest Of The Cruise Book
Credits (58KB)
Page 25 - S1 (76KB)
Page 26 - S1 continued (60KB)
Page 27 - S2 (82KB)
Page 28 - S3 (96KB)
Page 29 - Med-Evac (89KB)
Page 30 - Various Pictures (113KB)
Page 31 - S4 (75KB)
Page 32 - Motor-T (89KB)
Page 33 - Motor-T continued (80KB)
Page 34 - Ordnance (84KB)
Page 35 - Ordnance continued (76KB)
Page 36 - Ordnance continued (97KB)
Page 37 - Hot Rearming (99KB)
Page 38 - Maintenance (79KB)
Page 39 - Maintenance continued (72KB)
Page 40 - Maintenance continued (73KB)
Page 41 - Maintenance continued (75KB)
Page 42 - Metal Shop (72KB)
Page 43 - Avionics (79KB)
Page 44 - Various Pictures (56KB)
Page 45 - Various Pictures (115KB)
Page 46 - Various Pictures (112KB)
Page 47 - Various Pictures (112KB)
Page 48 - Vietnam Map (624KB)
Page 49 - Map of VMO-6 Operations (99KB)
Page 50 - Various Pictures (88KB)
Page 51 - Vick's & Joe's (82KB)
Page 52 - Service Clubs (66KB)
Page 53 - Chaplains (75KB)
Page 54 - Confirmed Kill Flag (79KB)
Page 55 - Claymore Charlie (103KB)
Page 56 - Various Pictures (92KB)
Page 57 - Various Pictures (55KB)
Page 58 - Various Pictures (74KB)
Page 59 - Various Pictures (80KB)
Page 60 - Various Pictures (74KB)
Page 61 - Special Landing Force Detchment (94KB)
Page 62 - Special Landing Force Detchment (75KB)
Page 63 - Special Landing Force Detchment (72KB)
Page 64 - Fun at Ky Ha by the Sea (60KB)
Page 65 - Fun at Ky Ha by the Sea (106KB)
Page 66 - Various Pictures (114KB)
Page 67 - Various Pictures (113KB)
Page 68 - Awards Section (52KB)
Page 69 - Awards Section (80KB)
Page 70 - Awards Section (68KB)
Page 71 - Awards Section (69KB)
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Last updated: February 11, 2006
Author: BlueJ, aka: Lloyd Fansler
E-mail: fang@snakebite.com
Copyright © 1998-2006 by BlueJ. All rights reserved.
Neither the United States Marine Corps nor any other component of the Department of
Defense has approved, endorsed, or authorized this product/service/activity.