my name as you may have guessed, is Bob...what a surprise. This is a first attempt at creating
a webpage. I will admit that I do not know exactly what I intend to put
here, but hopefully it will be something of interest to someone. I will
include links to sites that interest me and may interest others as well.
Of course that is providing that I can figure out how to link to other
Some of my interests include but are not limited to: ...)
Family Photos!
Golf League
For all
you Fairweather's and Fairweather wanna be's, I will be posting some photo's
here some time in the future. And if you guys got any photo's you want
to see on this page just for the heck of it, scan it in and send it to
me via email. I think the kids will get a kick out of seeing themselves
on the computer.
..I will be constructing a Webpage for the Analogic Golf
League...It will be a fun project to do, and I just may learn somthing.
The site will contain information about the league and the course...such
as :
Do you want to quit smoking ????
If you have had trouble quitting in the past, and
are afraid to try again because you think you will fail again. Go to this
site, it will be worth it
In order to get a better idea of what to include on my
page I would ask that anyone with any ideas or that has any advice of a
techno-geeky nature, that would help me create this page, I would appreciate
it and would be forever in your service...Please Email me if you do.
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Icons...Just because I was testing to see how they looked so I left them
here. I may create links out of them in the future.