Mike's Sports and Autograph Homepage
Hello and welcome to my web site. I ask before you leave please sign my guestbook and tell me what you think of my site. I enjoy collecting baseball, basketball,and football cards. I also collect autographs. Listed on my site will be celebrities and sports addresses to receive autographs. I also will sometimes list sports cards and memorabilia to sell or trade. Listed on the links section of my page are links to web sites I like which include autograph sites, sports sites, racing sites, and sports card sites. I am a huge fan of the Cleveland Indians and Jim Thome their first baseman. I am also a huge fan of NASCAR. My all-time favorite driver is Jeff Burton of the Exide Batteries #99 racing team. So please visit each of their sections of the site.
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I would like to thank Coach Michael Dowd and the University of Pennsylvania Varsity Women's Tennis Team for visiting my web page. Please visit their site by clicking the big P or by going to the links section of my page. Remember everyone GO U PENN!!!
Please Visit These Different Parts of My Site
Jeff Burton and Nascar News
Jim Thome and Major League Baseball News
High School, College, and Professional Football News
College and Professional Basketball News
The Autograph Section

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