Welcome to Rima's Lord Ganesha Webpage

This webpage is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the Elephant God of Bliss. Millions of people pray to Lord Ganesha, because he is the remover of all obstacles. His parents are Lord Shiva and Parvati. He also has two brothers. Lord Ganesha is also known as Ganpathi. The word Ganesh means the god of multitudes, a leader of the mankind. The head of Ganesh is represented as the head of an elephant, which signifies intelligence and wisdom. Lord Ganesha has four arms. Three of them hold a snare, and the fourth arm is in the mudra of blessing.
Lord Ganesha has two wives: Riddi (prosperity) and Siddi (success). Anyone who has Lord Ganesha's blessings will automatically get prosperity and success.
Every year, Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated. This year it will start on August 22, 2001
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