


Spring Hollow played
on 4/24/99

A Division Scorecards  B Division Scorecards

(Click on image for a larger version)

Dan Stevens' Backswing

Dan Stevens... one of the 
new guys

Dick Blystone...not much of a backswing

But Dick has a hell of a follow-through

At the bar after the match

Dick seems to have the 
"Eye of the Tiger"

Doug Perks putting

Another new guy, Steve Flynn

Grant relishes his three points

Kevin doing the paperwork

Grant was first in line to get the season started

Max, daring the putt not to 
go in

Mike, after shooting 160

Mike Brychcy, before the 

Mike C. doesn't know the 
outcome of his match

Roman can't believe the 
new guy whooped him

Ronnie Jones... long ball hitter, 
see the joke below

Ronnie didn't even get that 
many points

Roy Craig tried to tackle 
Dick, but couldn't

Bob Welc and Steve Ellzy
Bob's asking for lessons

Steve Ellzy launches 
a drive

Steve Ellzy just back from 
South Carolina

Steve Margetich... is that a 
beer bottle on his head?

It was a sunny Saturday morning and Ronnie Jones was beginning his pre-shot
routine, visualizing his upcoming shot when a voice came over the
clubhouse speaker - "Would the gentleman on the Ladies tee back up to
the men's tee please!"

Ronnie was still deep in his routine, seemingly impervious to the
interruption.  Again the announcement over the clubhouse speaker -
"Would the MAN on the Women's tee kindly back up to the men's tee!"

Ronnie had had enough.  He breaks his stance, lowers his driver back
to the ground and shouts, "Would the announcer in the clubhouse kindly
shut the fuck up and let me play my second shot!"