LinkStur News


Volume 2, Issue 7                                            

 July 16, 1999


See for late-breaking

 Linkstur news.




Game Six of the 1999 season was played  by most people at Westwood on June 26th. Honorable mention of the day must go to Kevin Stevenson, who recorded his best-ever score of 89 that day.



The Course

Westwood was in reasonable condition,  although the greens varied enormously in quality. Some had disease, some had burnt patches, some could have done with a lower cut…


The Matches

Herman Ellzy’s 88 enabled him to take 2.5 points from Roy Craig (101). Dick Blystone’s 90 halved with Stephen Flynn (95). Mike Cwiertniewicz (102) took 2.5 from the new player, John Byrne (112). Bob Welc (91) halved the points with Ron Jones (84).


Doug Perks (96) took 2 from Grant Blair (100),  Max McHenry (102) halved with  Steve Margetich (102). Mike Brychy (110) took 2.5 from Dan Stevens (111). Kevin Stevenson’s 89 took 2.5 from Roman Hrycushko’s 90.


In the A flight, Bob tallied 24 par/birdie points and in the B’s, Kevin Stevenson had an impressive 32.


As far as putting went, Bob staggered off the last green with 31 for the round, while Kevin required only 32.


Bob recorded the only birdie, while Kevin and Roman each managed 6 natural par points.



A Flight Standings


Match Points:

            Bob Welc                     15.5

            Herman Ellzy                10.5

            Mike Cwiertniewicz      10

            Dick Blystone               8.5


Par/Birdie Points:

            Ron Jones                    115

            Dick Blystone               112

            Bob Welc                     108

            Roy Craig                     107


            Dick Blystone               197

            Ron Jones                    203

            Roy Craig                     205

            Bob Welc                     206


            Dick Blystone               7

            Herman Ellzy                4







B Flight Standings


Match Points:

            Kevin Stevenson           13

            Grant Blair                    12.5

            Steve Margetich           12.5

            Doug Perks                  12


Par/Birdie Points:

            Kevin Stevenson           133

            Grant Blair                    127

            Doug Perks                  127

            Steve Margetich           116



            Grant Blair                    191

            Kevin Stevenson           216

            Steve Margetich           218

            Doug Perks                  223



            Doug Perks                  25

            Grant Blair                    22

            Kevin Stevenson           20

            Roman Hrycushko        19




Most Improved

Mike Brychy has improved by 50 (FIFTY) strokes since the first game of the season. His putts alone have dropped by 8 and his par/birdie points have improved by 15.













Directions for Willowbrook (7/31)


Willowbrook is located on the border of Moorestown and Delran (NJ) and is approximately 10 minutes from the Betsy Ross bridge.


Take I-95 to the Betsy Ross, then get into the 2nd-from right lane when you come off the bridge. You want Rt 130 North. At the first light, make the right (turn is just before the light) onto Church Road. Wawa will be on your left. Stay in the left lane and go straight through the next light. Get in the right lane and go straight through the next light. Follow this road (still on Church) past radio mast on left, Moorestown water tower on right, ‘til you come to the next light (bank on left). Make the left onto New Albany Road. You will come to a T-intersection with a light at the bottom of the hill. Make a right onto Riverton Road. At next light (church on left), make a left onto Bridgeboro Road. Pass one golf course on right, high school on right. Straight at next light. Willowbrook is about a half mile ahead on the right, just past Flagg’s Garden Center.