Welcome to My Page

Yo.. This is SignifiKant, or some of you may know me by "Ricky" Either one, it's me! Anyways, I've had this webpage since 1999, and I've been adding things to it every now and then, and it's just gotten bigger, I've also started to build other sites. But this one is my oldest, and my main main homepage that is pretty much all about me.. So You kids wantin some info on me, or pictures of me, or pictures of people I like, or pretty much anything about me.. you've came to the right spot! Yall Check my site out, find and sign my guestbook! All you gotta do is click the dragon to the left and then menu will pop up, or at least I hope so! Haha.. Let me know what you all think. Thankx! ~SignifiKant Mentalitie :: aKa :: Ricky~

©2002 Theoretikal Mentalitiez [Ricky]