Stan Belkowski - 07/31/00 19:21:51 My Phone: (215) 379-4114 Handicap: slight limp but only when drunk. I think 28. Put me down same as Dave Kutzler | Comments: |
Dave Kutzler - 07/18/00 12:00:02 My Phone: (215)393-0639 Handicap: 28 | Comments: Mark, not sure of my handicap. I kind of took a guess. Does 28 sound OK for me?? Looking forward to playing!! See you then. |
Peter Gehl - 06/29/00 11:27:25 My Phone: 0-11-44-1753-241025 Handicap: Yes | Comments: The two time loser has been banished from the country as punishment for my dismal consistency. That is, I, Peter Gehl, have moved to London. I have been here for a couple months now and have yet found a course to butcher with my game. I am working on m king arrangements to return and retain my title. As my coordinates solidify I will share details with those who are interested. Everything in London is heavy, the taxes, the food, the beer, and the women. |
Rick Wetzel - 07/13/99 00:20:01 My Phone: 215-855-9254 Handicap: 12 | Comments: |
mike kusters - 07/08/99 19:23:30 My Handicap: sales | Comments: i still believe i am the defending champion |
Coogie Kegel - 06/23/99 16:29:11 Phone: 717-243-7467 Handicap: Mommy's Boy | Comments: Hey, If you guys don't stop picking on me, I'll get my parents to sue you!!! |
Fred Pan - 06/23/99 15:28:25 My Phone: 212-555-1212 Handicap: Bad Debt & Criminal Record | Comments: Please add my email address next to my name. |
Tom Felker - 09/18/98 11:32:12 Handicap: Own a Tile, Carpet & Video Store | Comments: I wish I was invited. If its not to late I could offer tile and carpet samples as prizes for the longest drive and closest to the pin contests. I could also enlist caddies from the Selinsgrove Center. Let me know. |
Rick Wetzel - 09/14/98 23:25:57 My Email:RBWETZEL@AOL>COM Phone: 215.855.9254 Handicap: Playing With Mark | Comments: Your site looks great! It doesn't list additional strokes for age, though. |
tim demko - 08/31/98 21:26:27 My Email:tiredofbeingkickedaround@themod Handicap: Growing up in Mahonoy City | Comments: I'm so pissed off no one invited me after all we've been through, I'm going to church on that Saturday then I'm going to come to that golf course and kick your ass!!! |
Ralph Havice - 08/27/98 21:43:16 My Handicap: Prison | Comments: I've got 3 questions for you! |
Mark - 08/25/98 15:24:17 My Phone: 215.721.5198 Handicap: 15 | Comments: Looking forward to a great tourney |