Cheech's Home Page

My name is Joe Chiochio. I'm a Retired Detective in the Scranton Police Department. That's in the coal dust region of Pennsylvania. I hope you enjoy my web site and find the contents both informative and enjoyable.

... and by the way, I'm not a hired gun. The card is symbolic with a never ending quest...

This section of my page is dedicated to all the veteran police officers of the Scranton Police Department. If not for their inspiration and guidance, I could not have been the officer I was. One in particular, who lives forever in memory...

Sergeant Thomas A. Chiochio

August 15, 1928 - January 12, 1995

service 1962-1989

... if the lady were to remove the blindfold, she would be shocked at what she would see. That is not to impugn our judicial system, but simply an indictment of our society.

This page was last updated on 20 November 2008 @1915 hours

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