designs for you!
have been working in this business for a
while off the web, but I have decided that I should now do what I am
encouraging others to do, and that is advertise on the web itself. There
are millions of potential customers surfing the net who are interested in
buying items or services, or just wanting to learn something about a
subject that interests them, so I am now joining with 3 million other
traders who advertise themselves on the electronic highway.
has recently been reported that businesses do not use the web in a way
that can benefit them, I agree with that finding. Businesses are
continually using this media for just a boring old advertisment, often the
same as they would put in a newspaper or magazine. However, this media is
not just a flat piece of paper, it is multi-faceted and could and should
be used bearing that information in mind.
why would you pay out £500 ($750) or more for a half a page
advertisement in your favorite magazine, when it has such a small
circulation? Why not use that same financial outlay and put your own site
out on the World Wide Web? The pages on this media are probably three
times larger than a magazine page. The circulation of the www numbers
millions all around the world. Wouldn't it seem a better idea to have your
own website rather than your own ad in a magazine?

statistics of Web users are as follows:
total 112.75 million
1 million
Asia/Pacific 14 million
20 million
East 0.525 million
& USA 70 million
America 7 million
numbers are growing every day.
isn't that a promising figure, imagine even a tiny percentage of those
users coming to your site.

prices may seem expensive when you see them, but just think of what you
will be receiving back once your site is up and running. Imagine what
people will be thinking when they see how attractive and eyecatching your
pages look. You will have your own graphics which will give your site the
right feel. You may have sound, photographs, forms and links to other
companies added to make your site even more interesting. All of these
facets go towards assisting the person at your site to purchase something
from you or your company.
of the sites we design are published onto Geocities, this months figures
of the most popular sites visited on the web, (after search engines) was
Geocities. 23.9% over the next popular (Tripod) which was 10.1%. That's a
big difference.
Geocities you can have either a free personal homepage which consists of
6MB of space, or a store where you can sell your items. For the second
option you pay a certain amount a month to Geocities, and in return you
get 25MB of space. That is a great deal of space to fill.

you wish Dragonfly_7 to monitor your website for you that is another
service provided. Your messages and orders can be forwarded on to you
promptly by one of my staff members assigned to your company.

web set and graphics designed by