Welcome to the HELL that is my life,  My own private U4ia UPDATED 5/2/08

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Song playing: The EVIL midi

Yahoo to check the old 360 page.

May 2nd UPDATE:I have been having a BLAST living way out in the sticks!! The quiet is sometimes deafening. As for the IRC scripts, the MSN UPGRADES are making the fixes harder and harder. It seems in time the scripts will cease to connect anymore. Hell, 11 years is something to take pride in! As long as MSN will allow them, I will have em here for you.

April 5th UPDATE:I was going to kill myself today, but then I discovered your website. Thank you, and keep up the good work.

Whoa, Ummmm Thanx Nick...

March 20th UPDATE: The latest total of COMBINED hits for these U4ia pages & all running IRC scripts now stand at 9 MILLION!!! Who would have thought that level could have been accomplished in fewer than 10 years. I am glad to again be awarded with the annual year end "CONGRATS" E-MAIL advising me that these pages/scripts are still one of Geocities more "Popular Pages".


It's so sad to see almost EVERYONE who had homepages/scripts lost them through lack of hits or loss of interest.

Standing the test of time.... #SEXY Irc's

November 27th UPDATE: "The time came when the pain it took to stay became greater than the pain it took to go."

I was going to DELETE the #SEXY irc's but after looking at the hit counter, I was surprized to see they are STILL getting hits. As long as PPL are still using/viewing them... I will keep them up & running.

November 8th UPDATE: I put up a page devoted to ALL of the people who either chatted in ANY #SEXY or just remember past friends of #SEXY, The pages devoted to #SEXY or the pic pages & last but not least..the Irc's. Here is your chance to TAG the remembrance wall & let everyone know what you are up to these days. You can post only a few lines telling anyone & EVERYONE what you are up to so please keep it brief. ALL links to your personal E-MAIL or websites will be posted per your request too!!
I invite ANYONE from ANY #SEXY wishing to get reconnected with their long lost net friends to step up & post!!

[note] This is only a remembrance page! I am NOT & will NOT open any kind of chat room or am I affiliated with any chat network nor will I post any invites to any chatroom. Also I am NOT building or fixing any Irc's. Just tag & go on with your lives people. heh.

October 3rd UPDATE: Not much new to add lately since work has me busy but I have added some new pics of the Corvette with it's new look.... I love how it looks now.

Also, Alot of you wanted some rail pix so here I added some for ya's. Take care & keep those E-MAILs coming!!

July 5th UPDATE: Whoa!! This is so great I have to share so many things with those of you who still...to this day, pop by the ole U4ia pages from time to time.
As some of you already know I FINALLY broke down & BOUGHT A REAL COMPUTER!!! Mine mine mine & NOBODY else's but mine!!! I know this is "nothing special & who cares" but to me it means alot.

That being said, I just found out that the almighty "Geocities" has allowed us "popular pages" peeps to upload pics to our sites once again & I have quite a few [PICS] to share with ya's!!
A recent [PIC] of me taken when I went to Georgia last November.
I recently landed my dream job & here is a [PIC] to clue you in to my ultimate career choice!

Oh well, Back to why you came here... ENJOY!!
Welcome to U4ia!
This site is about choices, Pick a link & get down to it!!!

The TEXT & LINKS below started way back in 1997 STILL to this day it lives on!!

Someone once sent me a link to a website that would ask you a few personal questions & here is my Personal profife!!!
Check it out!

Either get the inside story on SEXY-SOB or 
READ up on #SEXY & the history behind why I created a #SEXY OUTSIDE of Talk City,  
Or  READ up on the record shattering dare the peeps of #SEXY pulled off, 0r  READ up on the 1 time I was dumb enough to play the CYBER wedding game But hell, It was yet ANOTHER room record !!!

Or skip the info & get to the Chatroom & #SEXY pic pages


#SEXY is getting ready for its 4 year anniversary April 26th.READ up about that here.


The Ladies of SEXY
The Guys of SEXY
The couples of SEXY

My Private pics

These "SEXY" people CHATTED in SEXY!From start to finish... Thanks for making SEXY so damn SEXY!!

Don't take it bad. Nobody said LIFE was fair.

© 2008 Seduction Productions Inc.



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