Photos are such fine means of saying so much. Here I am, sad about the now non-existent Montreal Expos:
No more ole ole ole singing.
Looking through old photos filed away on the computer, finding, cropping and adding text at the bottom to show a moment in Chinatown in Montreal last year.
Added to this page at 05:15 on 08 November 2005.
It has been a long time indeed, 01 November 2005 today, and this year I am in the whole business:
MLIS - Admission - five pages to print
Wednesday 17 December 2003 at 12:21.
neopets | mail2web | hotmail | yahoo mail |
Sherbrooke | Montreal | Winnipeg | Dauphin |
imood | diaryland | mondragon | malefaction |
Monday 01 December 2003 at 12:32.
It has indeed been a great while and this is the month to end all months.
Friday 16 May 2003 at 24:08.
Such interesting times and though troublesome, if they had not been as such I would not be who I am at the present moment. And soon time for the Buddhist carte du jour + other reading.
Wednesday 02 April 2003 at 12:17.
A grand old night last night at the match. My new small t-shirt and ticket are below.
Monday 24 March 2003 at 03:50.
Sifting though stacks of papers and such and found this card, the back is what you see:
The radio programme can be heard Saturdays from 2:30pm to 4pm EST on CJMQ 88.9 FM, broadcasting from Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada.
It was a fascinating journey through an assortment of genres with tidbits of music and entertainment news and a side of information. Ages ago in 1997 I had a website for ElemenT33, my second show ever on CJMQ. Later there were mutations to the site, its location and a new show. Now there's a new site in the works and all sorts of good stuff in store for you.
Of late, since Monday, 17 November 2002 to be specific, I've read the news at noon and played some tunes after. It had mutated into a regular show called The Noon News and expect another website for it.
I'm full of sites!
Once I get those two a goin' you'll be able to bookmark them respectively or use this page to jump off to either site.
Bookmark this site and y'all come back now y'hear.