Seano 1's Home Page

My Current Pages

The Linksters Golf Club, Hall of Fame, and LS Tour
This is the Linksters Golf Club & LS Tour. I run this tour for the enjoyment of the members and lovers of Links LS
Family Pictures Page 1
Family Pictures Page 2
Family Pictures Page 3
On these pages, you will find pictures of my 2 boys, wife, parents, nieces, nephews, etc., plus friends, pets, vacations, and more stuff you probably don't care about
Cooperstown, New York - Induction Weekend 1998
This summer, we were lucky enough to get to visit Cooperstown, New York and The Baseball Hall of Fame. We saw the induction ceremony for Rogan, Davis, Macphail, and more importantly, for Larry Doby (first black player in the American League) and current Braves announcer Don Sutton. I got to meet Pete Rose, Bob Gibson, Don Larsen (he of the World Series perfect game fame), Lou Brock, Gaylord Perry (no, the ball he signed did not have spit on it), and 3 guys from my favorite team ever, the 1957 Milwaukee Braves. Those 3 were Hall of Famer Warren Spahn (363 wins, most by a left hander ever), Hall of Famer Eddie Matthews (512 homers), and 1957 World Series MVP Lew Burdette (he won 3 games in that Series). It was an awesome trip, and I have some really good pictures of our trip on this page.
Seano 1's Links LS Corner
As a lover of Links LS, I have devoted this page to the enhancement of your Links LS enjoyment with sound files, recorded games and shots, and more
Boger City Braves TeeBall
The 1999 Fall Braves are rolling along, with myself at the helm(I am the one holding the little guy, my younger son Joseph) for my fourth season. My other son Sean-o is front left in the picture. I am behind on these pages, but stick with me.
On the links with Seano 1 and The Man Dan
The Man Dan and I hit the links in Charlotte on a beautiful summer day. Here are some action pictures we took during our round. This is a fun page, you have to see it(or at least I want you to see it)
JoJo's Page
My mother will probably kill me for this, but I couldn't resist a few pictures of her and her houses.
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Comments and Suggestions

Please send me mail telling me what you think about this page and how I might improve it. I value your comments (I hate criticisms, though!) and want your input. Thank you.

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Contact Seano 1

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copyright, yeah, right, just dont steal my pictures
Last revised:September 28, 1999.

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