W 1 P E A

Welcome To My Second Homepage. I Would Like To Thank My Daughter Dene aka QueenTi For Making This Homepage For Me.

My name is Judge (Judd) the QTH is Sarasota, Florida Usa. When I moved to Florida 40 + years ago I did have the call K4QPR for a few years but opted to keep the W1 call.

I have been active in Ham radio since 1934 and active on the satellites for 26 plus years. I can be found seven days a week on 14.186 kc plus or minus QRM at 18:30 UTC. Hope to have a QSO with you soon. My Wife Willa now a silent key was K4QPI and W1BYF

or information on schedules for all hamradio satellites please e-mail me at
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