Welcome to the Laurick Family Homepage!
About Us
School Time!
The Bookshelf
November 2003
Thanks for stopping by!  I created this site to help far-away
family members keep up with us.  There is plenty to see here.  
I have fully loaded this website with tons of photos so take
your time and browse through.  The "About Us" page tells a
little about our family and also contains links to each of our
own "About Me" pages.  Then stop by our "School Time" page
to learn a little bit about our homeschool.  There, you will find
book recommendations, favorite homeschool links, and helpful
print-outs.   "The Bookshelf" is a collection of books I have for
sale, and the "Links" page contains a collection of favorite
links from each member of our family.  All photos on this site
are "clickable" for full-size views.  Have fun!
Brooke and her caterpillar.
 October 2004
Summer feeding a Lorikeet at
the zoo.  September 2004
September 2004
E-mail me!